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What is CHS?

The Collaborative Housing Solutions (CHS) is a Continuum of Care partnership of Northwest Montana service providers, agencies, businesses, government officials and community members that are tasked with and committed to addressing homelessness and housing insecurity in our communities.


What is a Continuum of Care (CoC)?


A group of community stakeholders that coordinates efforts to develop and implement a plan that focuses local solutions to address the issues surrounding homelessness and housing insecurity.



Our Mission is to provide a robust and supportive continuum of care system for individuals and families experiencing housing instability that will reduce and help prevent homelessness; provide access to affordable, stable and decent housing while promoting the achievement of reaching the highest possible level of self-sufficiency.

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Meeting Info. and Archives

The CHS group and meetings are open to the public, and we encourage anyone interested in resolving the issues surrounding homelessness and housing insecurity to join.  Information and documents for the CHS can be found by clicking the button below.

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